Peerless Alchemist Stone Requires: Dreadful Void Focusģ00x Zin'anthid, 100x Anchor Weed, 60x Expulsomĭiscovery from crafting Awakened Alchemist Stone Unbound Alchemist Stone Requires: Void Focusġ75x Zin'anthid, 60x Anchor Weed, 30x ExpulsomĪwakened Alchemist Stone Requires: Empowered Void FocusĢ25x Zin'anthid, 80x Anchor Weed, 40x Expulsomĭiscovery from crafting Unbound Alchemist Stone Like the 8.2 new recipes, each crafted item has a gem socket and higher-level recipes are learned through discovery. Patch 8.3 brings three new Alchemist Stone trinket recipes, but no new materials are required. Load your character in the Profiler to track recipe completion.